Saturday, June 12, 2010

So it's been a LONG time since I've posted anything health related, eh? My journey hasn't halted, but I just neglected to write about it on here.

When I began, I intended to lose 61 lbs., get healthy and strong, and gradually implement changes that would affect my family in a positive way as well. I also knew that I needed goals outside of just seeing numbers going down on the scale, though. So, I challenged myself to get certified to teach group fitness classes, run a 1/2 marathon, lift more weights, run faster, do more pushups (or atleast one...ha!), etc. Having a wide variety of goals helped to remind me that it was about the big picture rather than just about being skinnier, ya know?

So, where am I now? Well, in terms of numbers I've lost 40 lbs., I can actually do several pushups, I'm challenging myself to run faster for longer, etc. I'm also back to investigating more about nutrition...what things are better to buy organically (i.e. that are cleaner), what additional healthy changes I can make by removing certain food and adding in others, etc. I'm teaching aqua aerobics now, and love it. I look forward to teaching other classes in the near future too. I'm in a boot camp style group training, just trying to spice it up a bit and trick my body into pushing itself past what's comfortable and expected.

Having said all that, I thought it might be fun to you to see a picture from when I started....when I was at my heaviest (and saddest, I might add), and then a current one of me in process. It pains me to look at the "before" picture. Why did no one tell me I looked like someone had inflated me to be a balloon in the Macy's Day parade? Ugh! I just can't believe it. Anyway, here goes...

Align Left

Friday, June 11, 2010

Oh to be "Young"...

So, our dear friends the Youngs were here for a visit this week. Marilyn and I went to college together at UNC-Chapel Hill, but really became close after college when we roomed together. I can hardly believe that was 12 years ago. Oh my!

Marilyn blesses me. She is hilarious, easy-going, and incredibly wise. We have so many similar ideas and's just so life-giving to be around her.

I have LOVED getting to know her precious children, Tucker and Hannah. They are bright, funny, beautiful children and my kiddos said, "I miss them already" as they drove down the block. Tonight at dinner they Emily prayed for them to come back too! It's such sweetness to have your kiddos love those that you love!!!

So, here are a few shots of our week. We get another night with them and the bonus of having Matt here as well. Can't wait!

Pensive bike rider Case

Case, Tucker, Emily, and Hannah watching a movie (our attempt at a chill night). Notice the blank stares on our boys and the DRAMA on the faces of the chicas! Hilarious and VERY telling!

Our bathing beauties....mine is the brown one! Ha!

Em, Case, and Tucker in the tide pool finding fish and hermit crabs. Good times!

Case, Tucker, Hannah, and Emily enjoying some Shake's Frozen Custard, care of Poppy!


So, we said goodbye to our dear friends, Leslie and Andrew (affectionately known as Tiger to my children b/c he growls and chases them (see picture below)). They have been such a joy to do life with, and will sorely be missed both here on the island and just in our daily life.

Here are a few shots from our time at B.J.'s for their goodbye dinner....

Monday, June 7, 2010


Oh, I really do NOT like endings. I can see more and more how God never really intended for us to love endings, hence eternity! As the school year ends we are saying goodbye to quite a few friends that are moving, and also to people at school that we won't see next year since we are moving. Very sad!

Anyway, today was Emily's end of the year party. They played in the water outside, had pizza, Poppy came and served ice cream, and then they handed out awards. They were thoughtful awards, meant to encourage and spotlight each child. Emily was given the "Little Einstein" award alongside her buddy Luke, a friend she first met in preschool. The award was given in honor of Emily and Luke's smart little brains. I'm so thankful for her intelligence, but more importantly...I'm so proud of how hard she works, her love of learning, and her ability to not take it all so seriously. I hope she continues to strike that beautiful balance in the many years of school that lie ahead!

Emily receiving her award from Mrs. Robbins....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Seriously, I wasn't kidding people...

I grabbed a quick shower yesterday and when I came out it was suspiciously quiet in the house. I noticed that Em's door was closed. When I opened it, I found Emily in her reading chair and Case at the craft table. Both were intensely working with a marker and piece of paper. When I inquired about what they were up to, they both PROUDLY displayed the following and started spurting out stories of how the other person hurt their feelings! Oh my! Pray for me!! Ha!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Siblings in the summertime

So, Case has joined the ranks of being on Emily's "I'm not happy with you" list! Ha! I'm surprised it took him this long to be added. I'll tell you, though....this does NOT bode well for us as the summer (a.k.a spend every waking moment together for 2 months) is upon us. Recently they've been AT EACH OTHER! I have GOT to spend a few minutes preparing for the days ahead, both in prayer and preparation, so that we can look back and see this time as a blessing rather than a stress. I don't want to be one of those moms who is dying for school to start and dreading its ending. I want to be looking forward to summer as precious time together with one another, ya know? Any ideas and suggestions???