Friday, November 19, 2010

What not to wear...

Where are Stacy and Clinton when you need them? I sleep in for few hours on Saturday morning and I wake to find this....

To my horror, I discover that not only has Daddy said she could wear this, but that he also allowed her to go out in public! WHAT? Let's just say that I'm thankful we had a party to go to later that day that required dressing up....whew!

And please take note of how my husband is dressed while cooking breakfast in the background. Yes, he HATES winter and yet is too cheap (I mean frugal, honey, if you are reading this) to crank up the heat. So, instead he wears this to cook. Oh how I love that man!


Melanie said...

Ha!!! I am sooooo not surprised to see Chad in the hat - only that he's not wearing gloves:) I think E looks fabulous!

Heather said...

I was actually going to comment on Chad's attire! Hope you have a wonderful week my friend!