Mel and I spent Thursday alone together, thanks to Jeff. We had lunch, shopped a bit, and grabbed coffee. If I haven't said this before...I LOVE MY SISTER! She is so real, so precious-hearted, and hilarious as all get out. I love being with her:)
The rest of our time was spent eating too much junk and candy, watching Tim Hawkins comedy, playing Band Hero (so addictive, especially the drums for me), watching movies, playing games, and just hanging out. It was great. I was so sad to have to leave!
Here are a few pics...
This one is my precious nephew Ryan! It's the first time I actually got to meet him face-to-face and hold him. He is quite a miracle. What a chunk-a-munk. He is also one of the happiest babies ever. If you even glance in his general direction, he's ALL smiles. He's got a laugh that would melt your heart. I could just eat him up!
This is my niece, Ella-Kathryn. She informed me that she now wants to be called "EK", but if your family you can still call her Ella-Kathryn. Hilarious! She is so dear. We played checkers, she read to me, she showed me her how she gives her horse a bath, and did a puzzle for me.
This is my HUGE nephew Jack. He's the first kiddo to make me an aunt:) I can't believe how tall he is. I am so proud of him, too. He's continues to mature, and I can see his faith coming out in his actions. I watched as he tolerated his "annoying" littler siblings, put them first often, was quick to make right any wrong behavior towards his parents, and just was simply engaging with me which I loved. We played checkers, watch a comedian while snuggling and laughing, and he showed me all his cool stuff like his knife from Poppy and his new bow and arrow (from us). He's such a creative one....truly thinks outside of the box. I am loving watching the Lord take him and mold him. He's into hunting, motorcross, and pretty much anything his Daddy is into. Here he is getting ready to go out and play in the snow.
Last, but certainly NOT least is Will! This is his attempt to smile for "K.K." as he now calls me. I suppose that's better than "Aunt Chewy" (which is the name of their dog! Ha!). He is ALL personality ALL the time. Like Mel said, he's either hot or cold. The hot side of him is loveable, cuddly, and HA-Larious! He'll say things like, "aww, shoot", "man", "dude", and other precious expressions. He keeps me rollin'. But boy, when he's out! He's a screamer and is going through a bit of a "me" phase. He's been known to attack his siblings with any means necessary. It makes me laugh, but that's just because I'm not his mama...I get to just be Aunt K.K:)
And here is my band! We had them jammin' out to music and Band Hero. I was also dressed accordingly, but I'll spare you that picture. I taught them all my moves...hammer, roger rabbit, the cabbage patch, sprinkler, etc. Yea, you know your jealous! Ha! They are SOOOO fun and funny.
Thanks, Simpsons....I love you all so much! Missing you already!
1 comment:
Missing you too! Funny - I posted without having read yours and so much was the same:) Oh well- when we get old we can live together and eat candy and forget what the other one was talking about...
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